See whats others say about working with Anthony

Anthony is a one of a kind teacher. Right from day one he’ll have you playing actual songs and building not only your skills but your confidence too! Anthony has such a passion for this and it comes through in every lesson you take with him. The way he teaches makes learning guitar easy. You learn and build on skills in an engaging and understandable way but most importantly, you’ll have fun the whole time!
— Aaron R.
Before Anthony I walked through life. Now I shred. I have been learning from Anthony for around three years now and every time I go into a lesson I come out with something unique. He has taught me to seek out the nuance and beauty of every song and how to use those tricks in my own music. I have grown exponentially as a musician and as a performer working with Anthony. He was with me for my first gigs all the way to now and I can not overstate how much I think every musician can benefit from someone like Anthony. From Bossa Nova to Ska, he knows everything about everything and deeply understands the power and history of music.
— Cayden N
Greetings! After reading all these testimonials, I can tell you Anthony has earned everyone and more. He’s true to everything you read about him. He’s gifted in all aspects of teaching and entertaining. Waiting for my lesson, I hear and watch him utilize his skills with younger students and his way of making it fun fun fun. To parents, your children will learn and feel good about themselves. You will be taught without pressure and complimented for your achievements during your learning curve. That in itself, is a priceless quality. He’s mastered his guitar skills and passes all he’s learned to his students at all levels. He’s taught me at 61 years old when I started. Two years later, I still look forward to my next lesson. If he can teach me, he can teach you. Check him out some night when he’s playing! Thank you for making me young again Anthony. You’re number one in my book.
— Bob T
If you want a teacher who cares about making your skills truly shine, Anthony is truly the best teacher for the job. He’s very attentive and always pushes you to be the best you can be as a student without pushing you over the limits. He also has his own unique way to make the class fun and learnable for all ages. As a singer, he helped me push past a barrier of fear of performing in front of others and encouraged me to sing what i felt was right. He truly is the best teacher for all ages!
— Madison V.
Anthony is the best guitar teacher I have ever had! Before him, I had another teacher that would push me way too far, but Anthony pushes you just the right amount, not so much that it is overwhelming, but not so little that you get bored. Anthony is also the one who got me to start singing for people, and got rid of my stage fright. A couple years ago, I would have been terrified to go up on stage, but now I’m not at all! One time when I went to one of his gigs, he saw me and just had me play right up on stage, and I was excited to go up there. So if you want the best guitar/vocalist teacher ever, pick Anthony!

— David W
Meeting Anthony helped me out a lot. Besides teaching me ways to understand and play guitar that I never knew was possible, he also helped me find my sense of direction with music and what I wanted to do with guitar. He set me up with a multitude of opportunities to play in front of crowds. Not to mention he is an unbelievably talented guitarist who has a great sense of humor. I honestly wouldn’t want any teacher besides Anthony
— Malik S

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